Berur/Biofarm Project
The project is increasing avocado production in Biofarms catchment areas of Bomet and Narok through integrating a direct sourcing model from smallholder farmers through cooperatives which will enable the company to acquire increased quantities of export quality avocado. The co-applicant, Berur Horticultural Farmers Cooperative Society Limited is mobilizing avocado farmers to join Biofarms Limited supply chain.
Value Chain
bomet, narok, kisii, nakuru, KERICHO, NYAMIRA
Land under Climate- Smart Agriculture
600 Hectares
Smallholders Reached
6,000 farmers
Jobs Created
With support from AgriFI, Biofarms Ltd and Berur will:
Establishing avocado grading and packing facility in Bomet county to increase produce handling capacity and ensuring that produce is received on the harvesting day.
Improving post-harvest handling of produce to ensure quality and increased shelf life of the fruits. This entails establishment of 15 collection centres and acquisition of postharvest handling equipment.
Improving market access through product compliance and market standards certification of 150 farms.
Adopting a digital management system for orchard management and farmer payment system to enhance efficient monitoring and transparency.
Establishing certified and commercially viable avocado nurseries to sustainably supply at least 50,000 high-quality seedlings per year at reduced costs.
Establishing an avocado oil extraction facility in Thika at Biofarms Limited facility for value addition and reduction of losses.