A courtesy call to the Director, Agriculture, Mr.Boinet. Quite a productive meeting. Discussed a number matters pertaining to Avocado production in the county, among them are:-
1. Berur HCS vision and mission on Avocado.
2. Collaboration of County Government and Berur HCS on Avocado production.
3. Training needs of Farmers on good Avocado husbandry
4. Value addition of Avocado for maximum economic value
5. To conduct census of Avocado plants within the county, among other discussions.
6. Census of Avocado plants in County, among other discussions.
Berur HCS noted with gratitude what the county is doing in improvement of Avocado production and the need of widening the market search to Iran, evidenced by the recent guided tour of Iran Ambassador to Avocado farms.