Nancy Ngasura,from Chepkitwal is giving her story to a group of visitors from Narok County of how Avocado has transformed her family and life.She is telling her story of where she was in her life prior to planting Avocado to where she is currently. She is a widow and her life was a painful struggle bringing up her children single handedly after the death of her husband. She could not meet the most basic things of her life as she was financially down.When friends adviced her to go for Avocado farming, at first she was very skeptical because her thoughts were the market and she had no one in the village then with a success story of Avocado farming.
With her limited education of the world, her world view was only limited to her village! However, after long long persuasion from the likes of Mr.Joseph Kones coupled with visits to areas with Avocado, she reluctantly gave in and bought her first Avocado seedlings.Then no one had experience with Avocado farming, she did it her own way. Now in retrospect, it was the grace of God that she managed to take care of the plants with almost 100% survival. Now she is very experienced in Avocado management. At the moment she has more than 150 plants and she is intending to plant even more. With her sales, she has managed to add some acreage to her farm.
Her plans this year is to put up a three bedroom house as she has already bought building materials from her previous years Avocado sales. She is very optimistic that after the completion of her house she will eventually buy a car. She wants to live a good life with less struggle! Her advice to everyone is to go for Avocado Agribusiness, it changes ones life.Her word of gratitude goes to Berur Horticultural Farmers Cooperative Society management for the sound governance of the Cooperative and equally for bringing in Biofarm Ltd as a partner as since the coming in of the firm they have had very good prices of their Avocado.She encourages everyone else to join the Cooperative